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Along with unique historical and architectural monuments, Armenia is rich in various natural sights, among which local lakes deserve special attention.The geographic location of Armenia contributed to the formation of numerous pounds in the country, the waters of which are famous for their purity and healing properties.It 's not surprising that every year the country's guests and residents make regular tours to the lakes of Armenia.The most popular places to visit are the legendary Lake Sevan, as well as the mountain lakes Parz("Transparent") and Kari("Stone").Trips to natural sights of the country will give you a lot of positive emotions, have a beneficial effect on your health and leave beautiful photos as a keepsake. ... See More


[:en]Parz Lake Dilijan[:ru]Озеро Парз, Дилижан[:hy]Պարզ Լիճ, Դիլիջան[:]

Lake Parz

Lake Parz (“Transparent Lake”) surrounded by dense forests is located near the picturesque Dilijan town. One of the main natural sights of Armenia is a favorite place for tourists and locals who want to relax away from city noise. Trip to the lake is relevant not only in summer but also in spring and autumn … Continue reading "Lake Parz"

Lake Kari, Aragats

Lake Kari

Lake Kari is located on the slope of the extinct volcano Aragats. The name of the lake is translated from Armenian as “stone” because of the rocky shores surrounding the pound. The uniqueness of the lake lies in the fact that most of the time the surroundings of Kari are covered with snow due to … Continue reading "Lake Kari"

[:en]Lake Sevan, Armenia[:ru]Озеро Севан, Армения[:hy]Սևանա լիճ, Հայաստան[:]

Lake Sevan

Alpine Lake Sevan is the most famous natural sight of Armenia, as well as a popular place to visit during the hot weather season. Tours around Sevan include visits to such historical monuments as the medieval Sevanavak and Ayravank monasteries, the centuries-old Noratus Cemetery and, of course, the picturesque coast of the lake, where many … Continue reading "Lake Sevan"