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Due to the high volcanic activity, the territory of Armenia is rich in various caves, many of which are of great cultural value and important historical significance for the country. Areni-1, Mozrov, Magil, Bear Cave and others are popular places to visit among travelers from different countries. Cognitive tours to these natural sights will take you to the mysterious world of stalactites and stalagmites, where you can discover many new and interesting things. Be sure to include tours to the famous caves of Armenia in your trip program. ... See More


[:en]Bear's Cave[:ru]Медвежья Пещера[:hy]Արջերի Քարանձավ[:]

Bear’s Cave

Bear’s Cave located in the Vayodz Dzor region is one of the most fascinating and mystical natural sights in Armenia. The cave was opened by local hunters, who discovered bear bones in its tunnels, henceforth it got its name. The fabulously beautiful cave looks like a huge stone beast absorbing visitors with its many mazes. … Continue reading "Bear’s Cave"

[:en]Magil cave[:ru]Пещера Магила[:hy]Մագիլի քարանձավ[:]

Magil Cave

Magil Cave is a complex labyrinth of underground tunnels. It was formed due to the movement of underground slabs many centuries ago. Various and even rare species of bats live here. The entrance to the Magil Cave is a narrow passage that branches into many tunnels and corridors. The cave was named after the hunter … Continue reading "Magil Cave"

[:en]Mozrov cave[:ru]Пещера Мозров[:hy]Մոզրովի քարանձավ[:]

Mozrov cave

Mozrov Cave, accidentally discovered during the construction of the road in 1965, is a popular place to visit among adventure tours lovers today. The deepest cave in Armenia was once completely closed and had no access from the outside. You must follow the safety rules inside this mysterious cave, so tours here are carried out … Continue reading "Mozrov cave"